Friday, May 31, 2019

The Redeeming Features of the Characters in Electra Essay -- Euripides

The Redeeming Features of the Characters in Electra In Euripides Electra, there are a number of parts, speaking and non-speaking, that widen the redeeming features of the otherwise pitiful characters. This essay will consider the roles of Orestes, Electra, Clytemnestra, the Peasant and Aegisthus (whose actions are only reported to us). It is arguable that the characters are not redeemable due(p) simply to the plot of the play a son returns, kills his fathers unworthy successor, his mother (with the aid of his sister) and was sent away at the end of the play by miraculous judgement. His sister assisted him in the matricide and is sent away also. However, it is unrealistic for all the characters of a tragedy not to have any good qualities. The nature of tragedy, check to Aristotle, is to invoke pity (kitharsis), cleansing the soul - this can not be invoked if the characters are bad people, since we will feel no pity. Aristotle described Euripides as the well-nigh tragic of the poets... so it is likely for the playwright to conform to Aristotles rules for tragedy. Bad happenings (hamartia) are required to happen to good people, who may not be entirely fearful but are still respectably good. For example, in Oedipus Rex, Oedipus scorns the prophecies of Apollo but he is a noble King, who feels compassion for his people and his destined blow was only the outcome of his uninformed actions. Orestes is the avenging son of Agamemnon, returned to his homeland. We would expect this man to be the tragic hero of the play but he does not conform to the specifications. He is not a powerful character and is constantly in need of guidance, acting simply as a loaded cannon (What do you suggest?). When ... in the plays duration, with a history of murder that entrancems disconnected from this person as we see her. Finally, Aegisthus, though amiable to his guests, has an undeniable history of murder and the people are happy to see him go. If he does have redeema ble qualities, they are few. Works Cited Euripides. Electra. Trans. Philip Vellacott. Medea and Other Plays. Baltimore Penguin Classics, 1963. 105-152, 201-204. Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Birth of Tragedy. Trans. Clifton Fadiman. New York Dover Publications, 1995. Perseus Encyclopedia. Revised 1999. Tufts University.>. Powell, Barry. Classical Myth. Upper file River, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2001. March, Jennifer. Euripides the Mysogynist? Euripides, Women, and Sexuality. Ed. Anton Powell. New York Routledge, 1990.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Racism In America :: essays research papers

If individual asked you what it would be like to live in aperfect world, how would you solution? Many people might saysomething like, A place without and arguments or fighting.Others might say A place where there is not pollution. But,has anyone one ever so thought to say, A place without racism.?For some Americans, racism has never even crossed theirminds. For early(a)s, it is something they have to live witheveryday. In some societies in America, racism isnt even afactor, all citizens of the community get along. But, in othersocieties, racism is a case that could be life threatening.Racism, in definition, is the belief that humans isdivided into stratified genetically different socks called racesaccording to its adherents racial differences make one groupsuperior to another. (Ethics Walker, Randolph Meade, 722)If you are a racist, you believe in racism. Racists will oftenclaim that members of their own race or minority arementally, physically, morally and/or culturally superio r tothose of other races. (The World Book EncyclopediaPettigrew, Thomas F., 62) For these reasons, many raciststhink they deserve special rights or privileges.The Bill of Rights was written a little under cc yearsago, yet controlling racism in America is still a task no one canseem to over take. In South Carolina, a Confederate flag stillwaves high over the capitol for everyone to see. Is the kind ofexample we want to set for the youth of America?To people in Europe, Asia, and on other continents,America is a wonderful place to live. It has been said to be oneof the greatest nations on earth. (Nova Marshall,Christopher) Yet, our struggle to regulate all of our citizens isa revolutionary war that has yet to and probably will never bewon.Slavery is said to be one of the greatest racial tragedies toever draw in America. Upon the entrance of this newmillenium, slavery and racism is still practiced in America.White Americans have their forefathers to blame for thehatred and anger they h ave in their hearts concerning racesdifferent from theirs. What is said to be the God-given right toequality and ultimate freedom (Nova Marshall, Christopher)has been crushed for many, by the uncited ignorance of myfinely educated people. Racists often need someone to blamefor the wrong-doings, hatred and stupidity in America. Whobetter to blame than someone with skin of a different color?Racism is just another appoint of prejudice. If a person orgroup of people acts or dresses differently, these people mayget distrusted or disowned. Many people do not fill out the

The United States Contribution to the Rise of Pinochet Essay -- Pinoch

The United States Contri thoion to the Rise of Pinochet The date September 11th is not only a date of terror for the United States, but for the country Chile it also marks the anniversary of a new error of fear. On September 11th, 1973 General Augusto Pinochet overthrew President Salvador Allende, a democratically pick out socialist. For seventeen years after this Pinochet dictated over Chile and caused for the murder of over three thousand Chileans, the disappearance of over a thousand, and the torture and jailing of tens of thousands more. What major power be even more shocking though, is that the United States had a direct contribution to this brutal dictators rise. The United States fear of communist nations developing and the ignorance of secretary of offer Kissinger to mention the human rights abuses that Pinochet was responsible for, allowed for the United States to assist in the brutal tyranny (Kornbluh 2003, rascals 19-22). The United States dir e fight to end communism caused them to severely pass over the evil of Pinochet. In search around the globe for rising communism President Nixon instructed the CIA to cause the downfall of Allende, despite a 1970 CIA report that stated the US has no vital national interest within Chile, and that the world military balance of power would not be significantly altered if Allende came to power (Kornbluh 2003, page 19). Even before Allende became President the fear of having a successful socialist or...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Models of God, Humanity, and Nature My Experiences, Thoughts, and Criti

Models of God, Humanity, and Nature My Experiences, Thoughts, and Critical Analyses I ask a lot of questions Im a curious person. I once asked my mom why people die, why there are bad things in the world if God is so good and all-powerful. Her response was that we just couldnt really understand why God does anything because we cant comprehend Gods master plan. Im sure that she was right, but that response is not very satisfying to a curious little boy. I saw an inconsistency in my consciousness of reality, and I wanted to get things straight. I guess this little anecdote begins to illustrate a couple of my basic life principles. A concise description of how I look at the world is just this We humans, as finite beings, use models to understand complex things God, Nature, Humanity and in doing so must simplify things. Theres nothing wrong with this simplification, as long as we know we are doing so and why. Our models of these complex things can be based on a number of things usually logic, evidence, and our experiences (Im probably exluding a powerful one, namely tradition). These varying models of reality, however, must be internally and externally consistent that is, with themselves and with other(a) models used by a single person. When the models used by a person are internally or externally inconsistent with themselves or with logic, evidence, or experiences, the first reaction is probably confusion (or maybe anxiety), but in the continued search for consistency, one can arrive at further cortical potential and a desired train of comfort in oneself and the way one views reality. I guess this is sometimes called the search for the meaning of life, although thats a rather grand phrase for ... ... Humanity, and Nature are inter-connected internally and externally, I must work to understand these relationships, and in doing so, I must work to maximize the frolic and well-being of all things related to me, directly and indirectly, consciously and unconsciously. Additionally, I must treat all manner of things (entities perhaps) as subjects, rather than objects, recognizing that each has a level of being and enjoyment that it can attain, with the help of me and the rest of the world. I must work to avoid and eliminate violence of all forms by using memory, empathy, imagination, and trustworthy forgiveness to short-circuit the cycle. If I live my life in a continual state of change, using creative, responsive, and responsible love persuasively to acheive a high level of good, then I will be living in a way thats consistent with process theologys Christianity.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Problems with Iran :: Iran Economics Allies History Essays

Problems with IranIran is a country located in the Middle East. The mainsource of income for the country is oil, the one fair game that hadgreatly influenced its history. Irans present government is runas an Islamic Republic. A president, cabinet, judicial branch,and Majilesor or legislative branch, makes up the governmentalpositions. A revolution that overthrew the monarch, which was manipulate in 1930, lasted over 15 years. Crane Brintons book, AnAnatomy of a Revolution, explains set of four steps a countryexperiences when a revolution occurs. Symptoms, rising fever,crisis, and recuperation are the steps that occur. The IranianRevolution followed the four steps in Crane Brintons theory,symptoms, rising fever, crisis, and convalescence occurred.Numerous symptoms led to the crumbling downfall of Reza ShahPahlavi, ruler of Iran until 1978. one of these symptoms isrising expectations which can be seen during the 1960s and 70s.The rich Shah cleared the way for the land reform law, en acted in1962. The land minority had to give up its land to thegovernment, and among those naked of land, were the ShiahMuslims. Irans power structure was radically changed in aprogram termed the White Revolution. On January 26, 1963, theWhite Revolution was endorsed by the nation. By 1971, when landstatistical distribution ended, about 2,500,000 families of the farmpopulation benefited from the reforms. From 1960-72 thepercentage of owner occupied farmland in Iran rose from 26 to 78percent. Per capita income rose from $176 in 1960 to $2,500 in1978. From 1970-77 the blunt national product was reported toincrease to an annual rate of 7.8% (Iran 896). As a result ofthis thriving economy, the income gap rapidly widened. Exclusivehomes, extravagant restaurants, and wickedness clubs and streetsloaded with expensive automobiles served as daily reminders of agrowing income spread. This created a perfect environment formany conflicts to arise between the classes.Irans elite class consisted of pixilated land owners,intelligencia, military leaders, politicians, and diplomats. TheElite continued to support the monarchy and the Shah. Thepeasants were victim of unfulfilled political expectations,surveillance by the secret police, and the severe social andeconomic problems that resulted from modernization. The plazaclass favored socialism over capitalism, because capitalism intheir view supported the elite, and does not benefit the lowerclasses. The middle class was the most unsealed element in thegroup, because they enjoyed some of the privileges of the elite,which they would like to protect. At the same time, theybelieved that they had been cheated by the elite out of theirshare of the industrialization wealth (Orwin 43).

Problems with Iran :: Iran Economics Allies History Essays

Problems with IranIran is a kingdom located in the Middle East. The principal(prenominal)source of income for the country is oil, the one object that hadgreatly influenced its history. Irans present government is runas an Islamic Republic. A president, cabinet, judicial branch,and Majilesor or legislative branch, makes up the governmentalpositions. A revolution that overthrew the monarch, which wasset in 1930, lasted over 15 years. Crane Brintons book, AnAnatomy of a transmutation, explains set of four steps a countryexperiences when a revolution occurs. Symptoms, rising fever,crisis, and convalescence are the steps that occur. The IranianRevolution followed the four steps in Crane Brintons theory,symptoms, rising fever, crisis, and convalescence occurred. many symptoms led to the crumbling downfall of Reza ShahPahlavi, ruler of Iran until 1978. One of these symptoms isrising expectations which can be seen during the 1960s and 70s.The rich Shah cleared the way for the land reform law, enacted in1962. The land minority had to give up its land to thegovernment, and among those stripped of land, were the ShiahMuslims. Irans power structure was radically changed in aprogram termed the White Revolution. On January 26, 1963, theWhite Revolution was endorsed by the nation. By 1971, when landdistribution ended, about 2,500,000 families of the farmpopulation benefited from the reforms. From 1960-72 thepercentage of owner occupied farmland in Iran rose from 26 to 78percent. Per capita income rose from $176 in 1960 to $2,500 in1978. From 1970-77 the gross national product was reported toincrease to an annual rate of 7.8% (Iran 896). As a result ofthis thriving economy, the income go against rapidly widened. Exclusivehomes, extravagant restaurants, and night clubs and streetsloaded with expensive automobiles served as daily reminders of agrowing income spread. This created a perfect environment formany conflicts to countermand between the classes.Irans elite class co nsisted of wealthy land owners,intelligencia, military leaders, politicians, and diplomats. TheElite continued to support the monarchy and the Shah. Thepeasants were victim of unfulfilled political expectations,surveillance by the enigmatical police, and the severe social andeconomic problems that resulted from modernization. The middleclass favored socialism over capitalism, because capitalism intheir view supported the elite, and does not benefit the lourclasses. The middle class was the most changeable element in thegroup, because they enjoyed some of the privileges of the elite,which they would like to protect. At the same time, theybelieved that they had been cheated by the elite out of theirshare of the industrial enterprise wealth (Orwin 43).

Monday, May 27, 2019

Church Teamwork Essay

Teamwork is work performed by a team towards a common goal. It involves partingal confidently within a convocation, contributing your own ideas effectively, and taking a share of the responsibility. Church teamwork A group of Christian working together as one towards achieving a common goal. It also involves believing in one anothers idea. The Bible gives references to the benefits of sharing responsibilities with others.Biblical teamwork and the sharing of responsibilities can be seen as far back as the creation of Adam and Eve when God said, It is not good for the man to be alone I give make him a helper suitable for him. (Gen. 218) This scripture applies to much more than Adams need for a helper or a teammate. From the beginning God intended that man would live, play, and work with help. The Old Testament and the New Testament both support teamwork. The notion of someone being uninvolved in Gods creative order is not the plan of the Creator. Biblical examples of teamworkFour Friend TeamMark 2 Team sharing in the premier churchAct 4 Team leaders in the early Church Overseer & DeaconsI Tim 3 A boy, five loaves, two fishes and the disciple teamJohn 6 How team function Selection of team leaders (Exodus 18 15-27). Who is willinging to be trained? Placing people in the right place Begin with a core group Before nominations of leaders are made, there must be vision Habk 22 Benefits of team work Team development will help numerical growth. Greater synergy (the use of all in all gifts) will be experienced More innovation will take placeI take in YOU TO SURVIVE I need you, you need me Were all a part of Gods body Stand with me, agree with me Were all a part of Gods body Repeat verse 1 It is His will that every need be supplied You are important to me I need you to come through Repeat verse 2 (Repeat verse 1&2) I pray for you, you pray for me I love you, I need you to survive I wont harm you with words from my mouth I love you I need you to survive Repeat v erse 3 (3x) It is His will that every need be supplied You are important to me I need you to survive Repeat verse 4

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Employment and Performance Essay

When allocating motion, what things should be taken into consideration? When Allocating cipher you need to implement a correct and precise goal that is achievable within the given time. The availability, knowledge and skills of the staff need to be considered before assigning them to a particular role to view the best outcomes. Why are accomplishment management systems necessary and how do you think surgical procedure appraisals contribute to performance and productivity in an organisation? mathematical affect management systems help direct employees toward organisational goals by letting employees know what is expect of them and how it will be achieved. When an employee has been given the performance management system, they should know clearly what is expected of them and know what they will be assessed on. It is besides a good opportunity for employers to praise employees on the areas that they have excelled in and also to identify areas that need provided improvement. 3. What steps might be taken if it is necessary to follow-up performance appraisals?Some steps that need to be followed when evaluating performance appraisals are Set performance goals with each employee. Set developmental goals with each employee. Shift focus from their past performance to their future performance. Working directly with the employees. Provide the employees with formal and informal coach, guidance, feedback and direction. sound judgement Activity 11 Explain what coaching and mentoring are, making certain that the differences between the two processes are clearly explained.Mentoring is relationship orientated which provides a safe milieu where the mentored shares whatever issues affect his or her professional and personal success. Mentoring is always long term because it requires time in which both partners can learn about 1 another and build trust. Coaching is more tasks specific. The focus is on concrete issues, such as managing more effectively and improving tech nical and practical skills. too a coach can successfully be involved with the coached for a short period of time, maybe even just a few sessions.The coaching lasts for as long as is needed. Assessment Activity 12 Why is necessary to document and record performance? Documenting employee performance sends the message to an organisations workers that their work is observed and acknowledged. As employees realise their work is acknowledged their level of engagement in their job increases. This causes productivity to increase. Also when managers meet with employees to discuss their performance reviews, employees can ask their managers questions about comments they gave regarding their performance.They can also discuss personal items such as work and life balance issues that impact their performance and work with their managers to arrive at solutions to the challenges. Assessment Activity 8 1. Why is it necessary that performance monitoring and evaluation be continuous process? To ensure employee improvement, productivity, rejoicing and to make it into an effective communication tool that enables feedback from employees to management as well as from management to employees. 2. Why should both managers and employees receive suitable training in how to handle performance review/appraisal interviews?Managers and employees both need training so they understand how the system works, how they can and should contribute, what the results of an appraisal should be and how the appraisal process fits with the organisations procedures and expectations for future performance. 3. How and how often do you think performance appraisals should be held and why do you think this? I think performance appraisals should be held two generation a year to discuss performance, counselling and developing employees, discussing compensation, job status, or disciplinary decisions.In what ways can you recognise the contribution of your work assembly members and why should you do this? Some ways you can recognise contribution of your work group members are Public recognition for their contributions. A thank you for doing the job. An email note. Time off. Getting the group together to do a fun activity thats not work related. With rewarding the team, they will likely work much harder if they feel that what theyre doing really makes a difference, and that their efforts are noticed by those with power.What is feedback and why is it important that managers and supervisors provide informal feedback to staff on a regular institution? Feedback Information about reactions to a product, a persons performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement. Its important that managers provide informal feedback to employees on a regular basis to ensure they fully understand if they are meeting the required goals and also to encourage improvement and acknowledging a job well done in a causal and non-formal way.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Being a vegetarian

It is extremely important to take erect c be of your health. Our health is our wealth. As much as possible we do not indirect request to get sick and become regular hospital visitors as hospitalization serves as an eye opener telling us to slow down because we are risking our health and our lives. It is pretty obvious that e actually year more and more spate die because of unhealthy living.In industrial countries, life-style diseases such as obesity, diabetes, utmost cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancers are widespread. (Home for Animals- A Farm Sanctuary). We do not want to have any of those diseases isnt it?We deficiency to prevent those diseases from ruining our lives and one of the many solutions is Vegetarianism. Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming meat, with or without the use of other animal derivatives, such as dairy products or eggs (What is vegetarianism). The term vegetarian generally means a person who does not involve animal produc ts this includes land and sea animals. close to vegetarians generally do consume eggs and dairy products (milk products). The four main types of vegetarians are Lacto-vegetarians they consume dairy products, but no eggs.Most do consume honey. Ovo-vegetarians they consume eggs, but no dairy. Most do consume honey. Lacto-ovovegetarians they consume eggs and dairy. Most do consume honey. Vegans only consume plant-based foods (no dairy, eggs or honey). (What Is The Vegetarian victuals? What Are The Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet). It is very difficult imagining yourself in a restaurant eating vegetable salad when the person seated beside you is eating steak, chicken or turkey. But if you come to bet of it there are many health benefits you could get by being a vegetarian.Many studies indicate that a vegetarian diet helps you combat several unwanted diseases, and vegetarian people are 50% less likely to develop heart diseases as compared to non-vegetarian people. Do you go tha t apart from heart diseases, saturated fat and cholesterol move over in meat and dairy products also cause brain strokes? Research confirms that strokes kill an Americas every three minutes. Research also reveals that people consuming good quantity of fruits and vegetables face the lowest risk of developing heart or brain stroke.Many doctors claim that a low fat vegetarian diet reduces the risk of ugly a heart attack by more than 80% and the risk of developing cancer by nearly 60%. (Health Benefits of Being a Vegetarian) Weight loss is one of the many benefits of being a vegetarian. You will never find a fat vegetarian anywhere. Meat takes quite a date to be digested. It is easier for our stomach to digest fruits and vegetables. Aside from that they contain vitamins and minerals. You are not aware that you are losing weight and gaining more energy as time passes by.Do you know vegetarians are less likely to die from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and prostate and c olon cancer? The reason is simple. The vegetarian diet is rich of cancer preventing foods including vegetables, entire grains, fruits, soy, nuts, and beans. In fact your chances of developing cancer reduce manifolds if you minimize the intake of meat. (Health Benefits of Being a Vegetarian). Avoiding meat and being a vegetarian is challenging and very hard to do. But if you will try to embrace its long term benefits you will then realized that it is better to be a vegetarian than sorry. Works CitedSmith jenny ass R. , Health Benefits of Being a Vegetarian. Ezine Aricles. 21 May 2010. . Home for Animals- A Farm Sanctuary. Expert Article. Web. 21 May 2010 . What Is The Vegetarian Diet? What Are The Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet?. Medical News Today. 27 May 2004 . 21 May 2010. What is vegetarianism. veggieheaven. com. 21 May 2010.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Historical Changes of Affirmative Actions

approving fulfil was established to practice equal employment opportunity. Moreover, in general, it is a catchall phrase that refers to laws, customs, and social policies. It intends to ease the discrimination between majorities and minorities by giving more opportunities for different demographic groups in unlike social organizations. Also, it refers to twain voluntary and mandatory efforts practiced by federal, state, local governments, private employers, and schools to overcome discrimination and to urge equal opportunity into the educational system and break downing environments (Stephanopoulos and Edley 1995).On the other hand, it is bumpd and discussed since it was established due to its has very broad influences in America society. It is not simply a legal issue, but likewise an issue that affects all(prenominal)(prenominal) Americans way of life. However, its unspoiled uniform other laws and regulations, none of them can please all kinds of people. I am a booster station of the favourable put to death. Some may say that this is because I am a student, and I need plausive action to protect my opportunity of finding jobs in the future unfortunately, they energize the wrong thought.I am Taiwanese, and I will find my job in Taiwan where there is no regulation like positive action. Therefore, I am standing at a very objective position to discuss this topic with you. Of course, you can always keep you opinions in minds, but please open your minds to look at what I am going to tell you. I. The historical changes of plausive action plausive action was maiden seen at 1961. President John F. Kennedy referred to his executive order that asked all federal contractors treat the applicants and their employees with forth regard to their race, creed, color or national origin (Pasour 1989).In 1964, optimistic action expanded its scope to prohibit employment discrimination by large employers, having over 15 employees, whether they have government con tracts or not. In addition, from 1965 to 1967, affirmative action was expanded to require all government contractors and subcontractors to take it to expand job opportunities for women and minorities. Then, from 1970 to 1973, legislators evaluated and compared the affirmative action this program and status quo and made this program have more flexible goals and timetables for all organization to achieve it. II.I- two hundred & Proposition 209 V. S. Affirmative Action When I heard that Washington and California have passed Initiative 200 (I-200) and Proposition 209, which are regulations that against affirmative action, I think the residents of these two states may not clearly realize what the affirmative action rattling is. These regulations were passed because the supporters believe affirmative action has gone too far to protect minorities and women. Furthermore, the affirmative action causes reverse discriminations, preferential treatments, and privileges at not completely work places but also schools.Proponents of I-200 and Californias proposition 209 also argue that affirmative action has led American colleges and universities to use racial and ethnic as criteria to select a significant fraction of their entering classes. They also argue that because of affirmative action, companies may hire less qualified minorities or women instead of best-qualified exsanguinous males. I cannot moderate If those are true, why are most of the top level managers white males? Besides, why are women getting lesser pay than men have when winning charge of the equal duties?According to the report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission in March 1995, a large proportion of minorities and women are locked into low-wage, low-prestige, and deadlock jobs (Murrell and Jones). The Glass Ceiling Commission reported that 97 percent of senior managers at the Fortune 1,000 corporations were white males(Morin and Warden A01). Also, in 1998, women were earning 75% of mens salaries basis on the same kind of job, said by Jim Hose, a Human Resource Professor of Eastern Washington University. The general pattern of male-female relations continues in modern societies.An example like Home Depot Inc. , it was suited by EEOC in 1997 because it hired women into low-level jobs, such as cashier, with little chance for packaging into sales or management positions (Lerner D3). The evidence shows that affirmative action is still needed due to societys unequal status. Most importantly, opponents argue that affirmative action causes reverse discrimination, and that is not true. A statistic shows that fewer than 100 out of 3000 discrimination cases filed actually involved reverse discrimination and only six out of 100 cases were true (Wilson 1995).When the U. S. overnment stars to practice affirmative action, it creates broader opportunities for all populations instead of only for white men. At this point, white males may have some pretend on them, but the affirmative actio n is still needed when you image society as a whole. Another issue has been brought out by advocators of I-200 and Proposition 209, that affirmative action leads schools to select medical prognosiss unfairly. However, universities do not just look for racial and ethnic diversity when composing a class. Universities may reject some white students, but the reasons are absolutely not simply about racial and ethnic issues.According to the date, which is based on 1996 applications for ten public Virginia universities, show those universities selected applicants would consider about race, sex, SAT scores, class rank, and high school grade point averages (Mcqueen A13). Affirmative action is the regulation that ensures everyone in America has fair chances in every organization. Why did legislators established affirmative action? Is it because of historical discrimination of white people against African Americans? This notion gives those opponents a very big chance to criticize affirmative action.They argue that discrimination between blacks and whites has become history therefore, we should not have affirmative action to deepen prejudice or recall everybodys attention to racialism. Has our society become equal without discrimination? I dont believe that someone is so naive to think so. Perhaps those critics just dont want to face the uprightness of the status quo. There was an example on ABC news, which filmed two men that have the same education, age, appearance, and other qualities, However, one is African American and another is white.While the white got full service in shoes store, got a lower price and wear financing plan for buying a car, the African American got opposite treatments. Thus, when you think that affirmative action is enough, please consider what the real world is. The truth is that there is pervasive racism in all areas of U. S. society. IV. Four-fifth rule/Quota and Affirmative action The most common argument about the affirmative action is th at numerous people believe that affirmative action leads organizations to not hire the best-qualified people due to some quota restrictions, such as the four-fifth rule.The four-fifth rule means adverse impact exists if the selection ration for the discriminated-against group is less than four-fifths (or 80 percent) of the selection ration for the majority group (Ledvinka and Scarpello 143). These opponents of affirmative action argue that some affirmative action practices have involved the use of preferential treatment and privilege to achieve workforce diversity that destroyed the purity of assessing candidates. At this point, I am not going to say that there is no company that likes what they have described, but the problems occurred due to misunderstanding of those regulations.What we say about the Four-fifth rule, or simply say quota restriction, is a goal set by government for every organization to follow. So far, there is no company which hires employees base on BFOQ (Bona f ide occupational qualification), that has been charged because of not eye socketing the goal of the Four-fifth rule. True affirmative action does not enshrine preferences or mandate quotas. Nor has any effective affirmative-action program ever been structured to endure unqualified candidates to take jobs over the qualified (Redwood 136).Everyone can have goal. By setting a good goal for yourself, even you cant reach it, you are still going toward right direction. The affirmative action and Four-fifth rule as like. V. How do you identify the term Best-qualified? Can you give the best-qualified a comment? No, I cant. Actually, by using best-qualified, this phrase is usually very subjective. Different employers have different considerations under their best-qualified catalogs.Tom may be the best-qualified candidate for company A, but may not be eligible for company B. Also, Employers have traditionally hired people not only on hear scores, but on personal appearance, family and per sonal connections, school tiles and on race and gender preferences, demonstrating that talent or desirability can be defined in many ways (Kivel 1996). As we know, many job opportunities are heard from informal networks, like friends, family, and neighbors. If there is no affirmative action to ensure that everyone has a fair chance at what is available, the segregation between different groups, such as black and white, men and women, will become more and more serious.VI. Affirmative Action creates diversity for our environment Affirmative action helps organizations to find diverse and talented employees. America is a diverse country therefore, if your company has more diverse employees, your company can get various ideas, information, and knowledge to enhance your competition. Many companies, such as Mountain Bell, have commented that by instituting affirmative action, they not only made their employee population look like American, which is a diverse country, but also found more ta lented and skilled workers (Pendleton and Douglas 1991).Another example for funding affirmative action is the Aire Sheet Metal, which its president, Bobby Bramlett, said that affirmative action creates opportunities with contractors who otherwise wouldnt know us, or give us a chance The work comes through relationships, but that first opportunity to build a relationship comes from affirmative action (Spencer 151). Therefore, affirmative action can let companies have various personnel to enrich companies overall human resource and enhance companies competitive capacities. In conclusion, I just want you to recognize what affirmative action really is.Affirmative action ensures that everyone in America has an equal chance to compete with others. It is a law to minimize the gap between blacks and whites, men and women. Although affirmative action may have some impact to white males, we still need this law to balance our society by considering the society as a whole. Affirmative action i s good for overall U. S. society, especially, when people can combine those diverse powers together. Affirmative action is a long-term benefit for the U. S. society. I believe every American should support this regulation.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Danshui Plant No.2 Essay

Danshui assembling computer hard drives on a contract that was fulfilled at the end of May 2010, although the meeting attribute hard drives was dissimilar with group of Iphone, Danshui was confident that its workers would adapt to the new assembly tasks and that it could hire and train the additional workers as needed. But in fact, Danshui didnt manage employee property. The workers showed low faculty in assembly Iphone with produced lower quantity than bud proposeed which is 180,000 units instead of 200,000 units. Other than that, Danshui couldnt hire enough qualified labor to get production up to 200,000 units steady though they raised wages by 30% because of Foxconn starting pay by 35% to the labors. In addition, Danshui operation department keep having flash memories deadening problem, there were around 1,000 flash memories damage in August. Its shown that Danshuis labors are not enough skill to assembly Iphone. We suggest that Wentao Chen could address more training progr am for labors to solve the problem of damage of flash memories because of labors might lack of skill in assembly Iphone since they are more well-known(prenominal) in assembly computer hard drive before on contract with Apple. In order to improve the skill of labor in assembly Iphone so that will be decrease the number of damage of flash memories, and the decreasing of number of damage will be decrease the cost of assembly and increase the revenue. In addition, for the problem of couldnt hire enough qualified labors to get the production of 200,000 units per month even though Danshui had raised the wages up to 30%. In order to solve this problem, we would like to suggest Wentao Chen to apply the intrinsic need of labor.For example, Danshui can set up a childcare centre for take care the children of labors or appropriate free meal for those having over time workers and their children who in Childcare Centre. For example, Maybank has undergone various business transformations in th e last(a) four years to enhance their service offerings to their customers, improve operational efficiency and to focus efforts on their most valuable asset their people. Currently, Maybank has put in place a plan to build a childcare centre to be used by employees during emergency situations. Parents who are faced with challenges in securing childcare service are able to utilize the centre for a temporary period of time whilst they source for alternative childcare services and facilities. The centre will provide parents with a safe environment, high-quality care as well as provide fun activities for their children when their regular care provider is unavailable or during emergency situations. The childcare centre is currently under construction and targets to open its doors to employees by the last quarter of 2013. We believe its can fulfill the satisfaction of employees and increase the retentiveness of employees, in the other hand Danshui also can attract labor to work in Dans hui without raising wages. Other than that, Danshui can improve the productivity of labors to get the production of 200,000 units with their high satisfaction to Danshui. Wentao Chen could help Danshui to get the production of 200,000 units without improve skill of labor or improve the productivity by satisfied the labors, he could using outsourcing to get 200,000 units production to reach the deal with Apple. Danshui can outsource to other similar assembly manufacturer for 20,000 units to fulfill the Apple contract.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Women Participation During the Mexican Revolution

Paul Noguera February 25 Women Participation during the Mexican Revolution Women played a too large role during the Mexican revolution. Before the Mexican revolution, women everlastingly were discriminated and isolated by men they had always lived under male control and their dominance on many an(prenominal) aspects of the society. Women in Mexico retain always been characterized by certain stereotypes such as family life, marriage, and the influence that they had from the Catholic.Women were never seen as people who could contribute to the society taking condition such as in the government. This essay explains the transition and some of the contributions of many Mexican Women who were really significant during the Mexican revolution. During the revolution women become to be office of Mexican politics for first time, they also had primal union on social movements and on the battlefields and finally they had and important influence on reforming the national learning in Mexi co.Many women from high and lower class of the Mexican society managed to be part in high positions of Mexican politics despite of the inequalities they had to subject during this period, gaining the respect of many men and of the society in many parts of Mexico. Many of the women who got to be in high positions of Mexicans politics become to be important political figures and inspiration for other women to believe in themselves. A woman who became an important figure in during the Mexican revolution was Hermilia Galindo. She was born in 1896 in Laredo, Durango Mexico (Mitchell, Womens Revolution, p. 7), when the Mexican revolution began she was only fifteen year old. During Galindos political carrier she wrote many political disquisitions, was a public advocate for Carranza in many areas and was the editor of the journal Mujer Moderna She rose quickly due to her intelligence, excellence speaking skills, and because she had skills and abilities that Carranza was shrewd enough to r ecognize and exploit. Hermilia was without doubt one of the most important public figures during the Mexican revolution, Carranza discover her when she was selected to give an speech upon his arrival after the fall of general Victoriano Huerta.Hermilia wrote many articles, and spoke to many womens groups, supporting Carranzas rule and to encourage women to join revolutionary groups in order to stand up to the Catholic counter revolution (Mitchell, Womens Revolution, p. 26) . Hermilia was also important because of her roles as a Mexican feminist, Galindo supported feminist ideas and Carranzas government when Hermilia was part of Carranzas government she found her own journal before mentioned called Mujer Moderna (Mitchell, Womens Revolution, p. 5) from which she would ravish the Catholic Church directly and call women for social participation against it as well. One the things that Hermilia fought for, was for equal rights between men and women, declaring the women should have the r ight to vote, unfortunately she was unsuccessful. political women during the Mexican revolution were not always accepted by the people, they had important popular opposition from the more conservative population of Mexico who wouldnt accept their participation and intervention on politics.Women as Hermila Galindo were essential to the revolution because they addressed feminist problems and had the courage and the energy to make them public and make the government be more aware about it. Women during the Mexican revolution didnt only play an important role on politics, also on the streets and battlefield as well. in that location were some important social movements made by women during the Mexican revolution such as the Veracruz strike, where many women workers would press to put an end to social and economical wrongs in the state (Mitchell, Womens Revolution, p. 51). The Veracruz movement was one of the first social movements that happened during the Mexican revolution and was based on pressuring the government to enact a housing reform legislation that would make rent more fear for them not letting landlords to manipulate them. Also during the Mexican revolution we can see las Soldaderas as well, who were considered battlefield heroes of the Mexican revolution. Most of women workers as well as las Soldaderas were mestizas or Indian women who were affected or didnt agree with government policies.These women proved themselves as mens equals, and showed that women are as successful as men in getting the job done. Not only did they put their lives in risk of exposure to fight for their cause, but their bravery was as admirable as that of the men who fought for their rights, if not more because often they did not have just themselves to take premeditation of, but children as well. During the Veracruz strike hundreds of women workers got together to fight for lower rent and to make them-selves respected.This social movement made by women become to be so imp ortant that called the attention of the government to make a convert in the legislation about housing (Mitchell, Womens Revolution, p. 25). Without these women fighting on the streets demanding a change in the constitution and with las Soldaderas fighting on the battlefield, the revolution would have been a different battle and women would have never had the chance to prove their abilities or gotten the acknowledgement they deserved. Two Women who were really important during the Mexican revolution were Dolores Jimenez y Muro and Peta Rosa Ojeda.Jimenez and Ojeda were schoolteachers, Jimenez was born in Aguascalientes, she was a political radical (Mitchell, Womens Revolution, p. 23), Ojeda was from the state of Yucatan and she always supported the Mexican revolution in her role as a teacher (Mitchell, Womens Revolution, p. 37). Their roots as a schoolteacher were evident in their reform to decentralize the Mexican educational system. Ojeda was always more focused at the local leve l in the state of Yucatan Mexico and Jimenez was more involved on reforming the educational national system.By Jimenez trying to reform the educational national system would allow schools to be locally funded and controlled all over Mexico including in the state of Yucatan, where Ojeda was volunteering educating hacienda workers and trying to reform the education system of the state, this reformation would allow that each school would receive individual attention. Ojeda instead of Jimenez was more focused on educating workers in haciendas especially women who were repressed by the hacienda owner in Yucatan (Mitchell, Womens Revolution, p. 38).Also since Ojeda herself was in touch with all classes of people, she could more easily see their problems and needs. This moved her to fight for reforms about the expensive and insufficient housing the lower classes had to endure in the state (Mitchell, Womens Revolution, p. 44). Even though Mexican women permeated every niche in the society o f the revolution, they have gotten only a fraction of the recognition they deserve. Many of their stories have been forgotten or re-written by the society to which they gave their ideas, work, and lives.Despite what male historians have led us to believe, Mexican womens contributions were just as great as mens were. They were of primary importance in the revolution and were essential to the causes for which they fought. Mexican women bust the molds of countless generations, and showed the strength of the female spirit. They took on core positions that were not traditional and excelled in many predominantly male-dominated roles. Mexican women were revolutionary in the way they stretched the boundaries of sexual urge roles and reversed many stereotypes.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cherokee Removal Essay

In the early nineteenth century, an infant America was increasing in population and expanding in the South until settlers were faced with the dilemma of the Native Americans. Anglo-Americans had two very distinct stances on how to deal with southern Indian tribes, particularly the Cherokee. One side was eager for land and developed the estimation that Indians were both racially and culturally inferior and a hindrance to American progress, while on the some other hand, some Americans believed that the Cherokee tribe was a sovereign, independent soil and that moral responsibility required the United States to protect them.Pro-remotion Americans rallied behind leaders such as, Andrew Jackson and William Cass. Jacksons patronizing attitude toward Native Americans was, ground on his ideology that Native Americans were children in need of guidance. Jackson in addition advocated that the removal policy was beneficial to the Indians. Cass believed the Native Americans were unsophisti cated and pureness settlers were racially superior. In his essay, removal of the Indians, Cass depicts, We doubt there is, upon the face of the globe, a more wretched race than the Cherokees, as well as the other southern tribes, present. The Cherokee Removal, pg. 117). Cass alluded to the profound racism that piloted the argument for expulsion of the Cherokee. Many white settlers concurred with the belief that Indians were racial inferior and therefore white settlers and Native Americans could non live together. Cass also asseverate in the same essay A barbarous people, depending for subsistence upon the sanctity and precarious supplies furnished by the chase, cannot live in contact with a civilized friendship (The Cherokee Removal, pg. 116). Some Americans supported this because they deemed anything different than them as wrong. The pro-removal argument was justified thru the belief that race determined character.For some Anglo-Americans race made Native Americans menial and disposable. Americans against removal united behind the idea that the Native Americans were born on this land and should be left in peace. Jeremiah Evarts under the pen name, William Penn, in A sketch View of the Present Relations between the Government and People of the United States and the Indians within OurNational Limits, said, Those Indian tribes and nations, which have remained under their protest form of governance, upon their own soil, and have never submitted themselves to the government of the whites, have a perfect right to retain their original form of government, or to alter it, according to their own views of lash-up and property(The Cherokee Removal, pg. 106). Evarts opposition to removal was based on the fact the Indians were born on the land and therefore it was rightfully theirs.He also pointed out, For one hundred and 50 years, innumerable treaties were made between the English colonists and the Indians, upon the basis of the Indians being independent natio ns, and having a perfect right to their country and their form of government (The Cherokee Removal, pg. 106). Evarts argument was that white settlers legally could not disregard treaties made with Native Americans for hundreds of years. Some Anglo-Americans knew removal of the Cherokee was unconstitutional and to renege on agreements made throughout history was morally incompetent.Catherine Beecher also advocated against Indian removal, writing, Nor are we to think of these people only as naked and wandering savages. The various grades of intellect and refinement exist among them as among as (The Cherokee Removal, pg. 112). Beecher and other Americans opposed removal because they did not believe it was morally righteous to degrade Indians because of race, they considered them people too, and respected the differences in both race and culture.Evarts and Anglo-Americans against removal foresaw the inhumanity of removal, Evarts stated, The removal of any nation of Indians from their country by force would be an instance of gross and cruel oppression. (The Cherokee Removal, pg. 107). Both perspectives on Indian removal had a few commonalities. Some people such as John Knox believed that, the central premise of which was that United States Indian policy should make expansion possible without detriment to the Indians (The Cherokee Removal pg. 10).The only consistent agreement however was that the white settlers culture and Native American cultures would never successfully co-inhabit. Americans realized that the differences in culture would only go by to cause problems. However the differences was some believed the Indians should be forced west and others believed they should be left in peace. There was an agreement that the Cherokee were uncivilized and to some, even worse not Christian. Again there was another divide on the solution for the primitivism of the Cherokee. Some sought assimilation and of course, removal.In my final analysis, the Cherokee removal ar gument never reached a consensus, and like most political matters, was won by the most power hungry side. Due to a burgeoning population, racial bigotry, and the lack of centralized government enforcement of the 18th century the Cherokee were forced to leave their homes. The consequence was a forced tumultuous, cross-country walk, where they faced disease, hunger, and fatigue now known as the Trail of Tears. Thousands died, and the removal of the Cherokee had permanent affects on them, as well as all Native Americans.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Non-Fiction: Useful and Informative

Non-fiction not only has the potential to make the beingness a founder place, it actually does make the humans a better place (poor intro, sorry). Non-fiction is everywhere on the news, in newspapers, in books, and even on the internet. It is very useful and informative. If it was not for non-fiction, we would not know anything active our planet, and the events that argon victorious place in it. It is undoubted that non-fiction makes the humans a better place. Firstly, non-fiction has already helped us evolve to the point that we are at now.So not only does it have the potential to make the world a better place, it has been forevermore helping us in our ambitions to make the world a better place, and will continue to do so. It has been around forever. In fact, cave paintings from about 32,000 years ago display a man advance home from a successful hunting trip, and they also showed what tools he used, so other people could do so as well. Things homogeneous this have been hap pening throughout history, up to this present day. Even things like science reports have helped many people, in many different says.Additionally, non-fiction is very informative. Not only does it permit us know interesting facts, but also keeps you updated about events and affairs that are occurring in our world. Non-fiction is neat because not only does it tell us about all this, but it is extremely easy to access. barely watch the news on TV, buy a newspaper, or go on the internet, and you will be instantly inundated by interesting and useful facts. Finally, non-fiction books are very good for educating children.Non- action teaches kids about culture, historic moments in time, extraordinary people, and many other things. A great example of this is Simpson and his Donkey, the story of a man and his donkey, who in World War II in the battlefields of Galileo, saved many lives by transporting wounded soldiers to safe ground. So not only does non-fiction entertain and inform childre n about historic events, but it teaches them blue-chip life lessons, which is a small step in making the world a better place.In conclusion, non-fiction has already helped us evolve to where we are at now, so obviously, it not only has the potential to make the world a better place, it does make the world a better place. Simply things like being updated with world events, and teaching children about history, are Just a rival of the many reasons why non- fiction makes the world a better place. So unless all of the known laws of the universe have changed in the past couple of hours, and nobody bothered to tell me, non- fiction definitely makes the world a better place. Non-Fiction Useful and illuminating By Breakfast

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Unfortunate Irony “Hope” Ariel Dorfman

Essay 2 Unfortunate Irony In the poem hope by Ariel Dorfman the spend of jeering is what really sets and delivers the mood of this heart wrenching story. The author uses a very straight ahead approach in this poem because they be essentially just obese the story, adding loose rhythm and create verbally structure. The best way for the author to get the point of this tragedy across is with subtle but obscure irony. The mother and father finding merriment in this horrible event is the best example of irony.Irony in my opinion is what plunder really drive home the feeling of the author or lyricist and is a way to completely change the direction of feeling. In Hope, when the author says we couldnt find out anything else about him, its as if the authors implying they dont know where they are taking him, what they are doing with him, or if theyll ever see him again. The irony in this statement is that we assume that until completing the poem and rereading it, that possibly the p arents testament not get to see the child grow up.The author is speculating this early on that they will not see their child do all those things we hold up all been able to do and our parents have watched us do. Because they already know and approximatelywhat accept what is going to happen to the child. The author is completely advised of what kind of situation this has brought about. You see this when Ariel says, somebody tell me frankly what times are these, what kind of word, what res publica. Ariel knows, these are terrible times This type of irony really reminds of classic and contemporary country lyrics.The cardinal that comes to mind immediately is He Stopped Loving Her forthwith by George Jones. The story he tells is of a man thats hopelessly in love with a former lover that no interminable loves him. The opening line really sets the tone with Jones haunting twang, He said Ill love you process I die, She said youll forget in time. But as the story explains, he does nt. Jones lyrics are super painful when describing the setting of his home and how he has held on to items that are linked to her. He kept some letters by his bed, Dated 1962, He had underlined in red, Every single I love you. The rhythm right before the chorus and the chorus itself are what show the very unfortunate irony. The person telling the story explains how he went to see his friend and hes All dressed up to go away, First time Id seen him smile in years, the man had finally put up the end to his pain on his way to his own funeral. The chorus, He stopped loving her today, They placed a wreath upon his door, And soon theyll carry him away, He stopped loving her today. To find happiness in such a way just shows how bad the pain actually is, just like in Hope. To find any amount in joy due to horrific pain and no-countness, is very sad and it is understandable how the family of the child in Hope and the friends of the man in He Stopped Loving Her Today can find joy in the se extremely sad and difficult situations The ultimate display of irony in Hope is after Ariel acknowledges the circumstances and situation their family has found themselves in and how to deal with it. They say they accepted his voice, his screams, they say, this is very powerful and very disturbing. This leads to the ultimate question of this piece, What Im asking is how can it be that a fathers joy, a mothers joy, is knowing that they, that they are in time torturing their son? And the joy and comfort they find by knowing that if he is being hagridden that is electrostatic alive and that hush up leaves a window for hope. Which means that he was alive five months subsequently and our greatest hope will be to find out next year that theyre still torturing him eight months later, and he may might could still be alive. That is unfortunate irony, finding joy in a loved one being tortured because at least there is still hope they will one day be reunited with their child. Works Cited Dorfman, Ariel. Hope. Kirszner/Mandell Literature Reading, Reacting, Writing Jones, George. He Stopped Loving Her Today http//www. cowboylyrics. com/lyrics/jones-george/he-stopped-loving-her-today-18102. html

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Emile Durkeim, rational choice theory, Sykes and Matza

Chelsea Tirado Professor Lay Intro To Criminal Justice 430-545 1. Emile Durkeim believed that deviance and or crime was a normal thing to do. He believed it to be a minute nature. According to the textbook, he first noted that all human societies reserve crime, even if there is differences in terms of what acts are iniquitousized. He also saw that crime would not occur only if each single being in society agreed not to commit a bad act. This would not work beca procedure of all the human diversity in the world.Kai Erickson believes that deviant acts are considered along a norm that was violated. One function of deviance is to maintain control in socities. According to the textbook, Erickson states that each deviant act, the companionship has an opportunity to reflect on deviance and decide whether the boundaries of acceptable behavior should be strengthened, kept the same, or relaxed. Erickson and Durkheims views are both similar and different. Ericksons view has more of a psyc hology base, meanwhile Durkheims view is a bit more straightforward. 2.According to the textbook, the rational choice theory is define as an explanation for crime suggesting that offenders use a strategic thinking process to valuate the potential rewards and risks from committing a crime and make their finality accordingly about whether or not to commit the crime. It is a modern version of classical criminology using free will as a philosophical base. In shorter words, when a criminal commits a crime, they have a termination process that goes through and through their head of both how to commit the crime, and the consequences if caught.When a criminal goes through the rational choice, they may also be deterred from committing the crime all together. According to the textbook, the routine activities theory is defined as a theory that views crime and victimisation as a unction of peoples everyday behavior, habits, lifestyle, musical accompaniment conditions, and kindly interact ions. This theory suggests that crime occurs when three elements converge a motivated offender, a suitable target, and a lack of capable guardians.In shorter words, the routine activities theory explains that offenders are pretty much set in their ways. These devil theories are both alike, but mostly different. The rational choice theory suggests that a criminal goes through more of a thinking process as opposed to the routine activities theory that suggests that crime and victimization is a part of behavior. 4. Gresham Sykes and David Matza have a technique that is practiced with neutralization. Offenders learn to ignore social determine and morals which in turn they commit a crime.Sykes and Matza came up with five techniques that may neutralize norms, and social values. The first integrity is denial of responsibility. According to this technique, criminals will tend to defer the fault from themselves. The second one is the denial of injury. The denial of injury is when a crimin al will reason that the victim wasnt greatly harmed so it shouldnt be a big deal. The third one is denial of the victim. This means that even though the criminal accepts guilt for ondemnation of the condemners.Condemnation of the condemners means that a criminal will reason with themselves that most people do the nonlegal act. The criminals reasoning would be, But everyone does it The fifth one is appeal to higher loyalties. This means that the offender was inflicted with a decision between violating the law and violating a trust. For example, this means that a family member, or friend may have pass on that the criminal drives drunk to them because they need a ride home. Instead of violating the trust between the family member or friend, the offender will violate the law instead.

Friday, May 17, 2019

India; vernacular architectures

IntroductionIndia is huge in civilization and traditions, nature, faiths, linguistic communications rich with historical storys with common swerveitectures. Taj Mahal is single such wonderous memorial constructions built by ShahJahan as grave in memory of his idolized get married woman, Mumtaj Mahal. Taj Mahal is renowned for its glorious Indo- Islamic architectural presence in look, form, colour, location of the memorial and stuff used to underframe it. It is one of the 8th admiration of universe s celebrated memorials and appreciated by its visitants involvements for their penetration into its civilization, squ are up and history of the memorial. Therefore, Taj Mahal architecture cornerstone be renowned as the largest theoretical account combination of the derived influence of twisty, Persian, Indian and Islamic architecture.The Indo-Islamic architecture takes live in signifier with the slave dynasty in India. It is credited to Mughal dynasty in Pakistan and India, the field of humanistic disciplines and architecture who gave particular attention to raise historical memorials in India. The earliest memorials what we fetch in India are the recycled stuff of the bing Jain, Buddha and Hindu memorials. The Islamic architecture was so fostered by the Delhi Sultanate and achieved excellence by the Mughal parts.The Background of Islamic computer architecture in IndiaThe Iranian dynasties dating back to 500 BCE has seen umteen Islamic religion dynasties. Throughout the opinion dynasties, Persia ( modern Iran ) has forgeed as centre for many art, architecture, poesy and doctrine. Persia is dandy known for its trade since pre-historic times. The Silk Route acts as span between distant lands for trade, apparitional and material civilization. The disquiet to a fault spread to chief lands of cardinal Asia, including Armenia, Georgia, and India.Persia has likewise seen developmental foreparts in architecture which spread many Asiatic states as did concern excessively. The clime, the influence of people, available stuff, spiritual intent and peripheral civilizations, and frequ sneak ins besides contend a of import function in the development of architecture ( Mehraby ) .The brilliant architectural edifices take intensity from the landscape, snow-capped mountains, vales, and broad polishing fields which conceived and accomplished fresh thoughts for edifice artefacts while mountains serve both(prenominal) physical and mental beginnings of inspirations in Persian architecture.Thus, Beauty is regarded Godhead for ancient Iranian civilisations.The Architectural Intentions of the Taj MahalTaj Mahal traces its architecture as rooted with Islamic speculations. Though the Persian or the Islamic civilisation was non the first to focus their architecture on spiritual subjects, it was a strong character among convolute designers. The Byzantine Architecture records the spiritual edifices and their designs as accomplishments of the Byzantine Empire. The most singular illustration at Constantinople is Hagia Sophia, a Christian church at Constantinople ( the present Istanbul ) is a monolithic and ornamental church represents the glorification of the Byzantine Empire.The architectural purposes besides argumentation the power factor in Islamic architecture. The Islamic dynasties believe in distributing Islam and laud to God by jointing with mosques, unmatching historical memorials and castles of first-class beauty. To accomplish this, they desire and get power to patronage architecture. The Islamic architecture spread entirely(prenominal) bit far as Egypt and North Africa, Spain, and Persia. Then, they developed their alone manner by uniting the humanistic disciplines of the Byzantines, the Copts, the Romans, and the Sassanids. This alone manner specializes in blending the native design elements with imported 1s.Taj Mahal suffices this stance. The memories of Mumtaj Mahal are spread all over the universe typ ifying his love for her. The singularity of this memorial is its dome construction which is characteristic of Byzantine architecture. The abstract designs are notable of Iranian architecture, the flowered designs and picture goes to Safavid manner, the location of the edifice is besides an of import factor which wholly reiterates the presence of head Iranian architecture.Communicating spiritualty is yet other position attributed to Islamic Architecture. This position has been practiced among sages, philosophers, poets, and religious Masterss of Islamic states. The adherent of proliferating Islamic jurisprudence through the chase of cognition, contemplations on world of nature beyond visual aspect, disciplined supplication is besides reflected on their architecture.The rock flowers of the Taj Mahal gives a image of pragmatism intriguing the visitant with their grace and colourful freshness , ( Okado and Joshi ) . The Taj Mahal s reference to paradise can be seen in the motive of flowers carved on the funerary Chamberss of the mausoleum, every bit good as on the pedestals of the interior iwan , where flowers and roses symbolize the Kingdom of Allah, ( Bin and Rasdi ) .The Byzantines architecture besides followed similar organizing rules. Whereas the Christian spiritual worship topographic point and its design corresponds to the faith. Therefore, symbolism besides vie a important function in the development of the signifier of the memorials. During the Byzantine period the Church itself became a symbol of the religion. The maestro piece of Indo-Islamic Architectural manner, the beauty of the Taj Mahal, inspires legion creative persons from all over the universe. To this, Okada and Joshi ( 1993 ) relates to the four-spot canals to the four rivers of Paradise referred in the Holy Quran. The symbolic nature of the garden and the canals at Taj Mahal is considered the sepulchral nature of the memorial and the Quran lettering located on the southern unveiling wall of the chief furnish gives undeniable credibleness to the comparing of the Taj Mahal with the Garden of Paradise, this lettering says( It will be said to the pious ) atomic number 8 ( you ) the one in( complete ) remainder and satisfactionCome back to your Lord, well-pleased ( yourself )and well-pleasing unto himEnter you, so, among My esteemed slaves,And enter you My EdenThe Holy Quran,Surah Al-Fajr 8927-30Therefore, it is noteworthy to see the pupils of Islamic architecture digesting Taj Mahal as an uncomparable memorial in Iranian beginning.The Architecture, Structure of Taj MahalThe Byzantine and Islamic architecture portion a common manner of architecture, the dome. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is in response to the Islamic architecture which shows the influence of Byzantine architecture imparted as the dome manner passed on to the Islamic architecture. It is besides known as Persian dome . Today, it is called the Onion Dome. This architecture promotion of the us age of dome is accredited formed a fall guy- newly manner in planetary architecture. The most famed illustration is the Taj Mahal ( A.D. 1630 ) built by Mughal Dynasty in India. But, this is non new to Indian architecture. The good known Buddhist Stupa at Sanchi, India 4th to 1st century BCE is a keep memorial associated with preserving sacred relics. Not alone these, the Mauryan land ( c. 321-185 BCE ) in India besides fortify their metropoliss with Stupas, Viharas, and temples were constructed, ( Kumar ) .The Taj Mahal consists of 16 Chamberss, eighter from Decatur Chamberss each on ii degrees that contain the octangular funerary chamber overcome by a surbased inner dome. The funerary chamber consists of the grave of Mumtaj Mahal and Shah Jahan together, adorned by a baluster of finely perforated stain and studded with semiprecious rocks, ( Okado and Joshi ) .Iranis focused their attempts on reexamining their architecture in barrel vaulting, crenallated roofs, conelike s quinches, large bricks, rounded arches and different designed brick cypher or now and once more platerworks over bricks. Though the architecture is traced to 3000 old ages, the design elements of Iranian architecture like high-arched portal set within a deferral, columns with bracket capitals, columned porch or talar, a dome on four arches, a huge egg-shaped arch in the entryway, a four iwan courtyard, early towers making up toward the sky, an interior tribunal and pool, an angled entryway and extended ornaments display their typical structural designs, ( Mehraby ) .The StructureThe intended grave is made of big white marble construction standing on a square plinth beam consisting of a symmetrical edifice with an iwan ( arch-shaped room access ) presented with a big dome and finial at the top. Fran & A ccedil ois Bernier noted how the Centre of every arch is adorned with white marble slabs whereon are inscribed big Arabian characters in inexorable marble. This construction titling reflects Iranian architecture.The base is multi-chambered regular hexahedron with chamfered corners making an unequal octagon of about 55 metres on all the four long sides. On each of these sides, a monolithic pishtaq, or a domed archway, frames the iwan with two likewise shaped, arched balconies stacked on either side organizing a symmetrical form on all sides of the edifice. There are four minarets frame the grave and the chief chamber houses the false Gravess of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. The animated Gravess are located at a lower degree.The top of the dome is fancily decorated with a genus Nelumbo nucifera design. The columned bases open through the roof of the grave and supply visible radiation to the inside. Tall cosmetic steeples ( guldastas ) extend from borders of base walls, and supply ocular accent to the tallness of the dome. The dome and chattris are topped by a aureate finial, which mixes traditional Persian and Hindu cosmetic elements, ( Wiki ) . Even t he term of office of Byzantine architecture, the find of pendentives and dome on pendentives changed the expertness for building churches and eased the process during the Byzantine period.The bronzy brand of Moon and its horns indicating upwards, the heavenward in trident form clearly suggests the commixture of Persian and Hindu ornaments. The symbolic logical implication can be derived as Hindu symbol of Shiva. The minarets are 40 metres tall each minaret spliting into triplet equal parts by two working balconies surmounted by a chattri that mirrors the design of a Nelumbo nucifera design topped by a aureate finial, ( Wiki ) .The subsequent Islamic architecture in India signifies in the signifier of Mosques and graves frontage beautification is the chief signifier. The development of the dome manner as called the radical regular hexahedron and hemisphere nomenclature in past architecture was subsequently brought into excellence at some(a) phase in the Mughal Period. The exp erts say that Taj Mahal replicates Humayun s grave before the design for Taj Mahal was formed. The best illustrations for the Indo-Islamic Architecture are the Gol Gumbaz at Bijapur, Agra Fort, Buland Darwaza, Qutab Minar and Safdarjang Tomb.Hambly ( 1964 ) writes the architecture of Taj Mahal to be of Safavid manner in his Cities of Mughal India which accounts the astonishing factors of Mughal dynasty. Safavid is yet another dynasty which ruled Persia during 1499-1722 B.C.E. Safavid has groovy trade of finest plants of metal art works like weaponries, armour, candle base, helmets, imbibing vass, and wine bowls. Ruggiero notes the events during the Safavids, webs of caravanserais were constructed to ease transfer and promote trade since Persia was concern centre for many states so, ( Hambly ) .The penmanship on the big pishtaq is definite work of Safavid. Anon says, the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan conferred Amanat Khan rubric for his work for his eye-popping virtuosity. This le ttering from the Quran can be represent underneath the interior dome are the lettering, Written by the insignificant being, Amanat Khan Shirazi. . Not merely this, the penmanship found on the marble grave is attended in item and delicate.Historical, Societal and heathen Importance of Islamic ArchitectureHaider ( 2002 ) surveies the Islamic architecture along the quadruple phenomenon activity of social deductions viz. , the contemplativeness jussive mood, the functional jussive mood, the constructive jussive mood and aesthetic jussive mood these rules besides project our images, outlooks, definitions, and review of Islamic architecture. useable importance of any edifice under this architecture marks as symbolic or a marker or an icon or a monument fundamental to continue the yearning recollections and hence, indicate significance of a society. If we can traverse these social manifestations against the architectural purposes, a more focussed and fecund treatment can be formed. Our survey on Taj Mahal is one such productive consequence of these traversing. If we can see Islam as faith and as historical discernible fact of power and backing and abandoned to seek the aesthetic jussive mood and symbolic look in architecture, the focal point is more seeming on Taj Mahal.DecisionThe Mughal tribunals established in Pakistan and India were occupied by poets and penmanship creative persons from Persia who took flight from their really depleted place state to fortune gaining in India. The buildings what we see of Mughal dynasty is the work of these Persians who were the particular counsel of the Mughal Empire who gave aid for really item to raise memorials for the populace to praise the Islamic architecture. The Islamic architecture holds its generousness in assorted memorials found largely in India. They portray their love for art and inturn to God. Their push to distribute the credit is noteworthy. We see every dynasty or the imperium have their ain set of v alues, civilizations and traditions. These impacts are besides good broad in their architectures. Therefore, the Islamic architecture is symbolic of the architecture they produce.Work CitedBooksAmina Okada and M.C. Joshi. ( 1993 ) . Taj Mahal. Abbeville imperativenessGuido Ruggiero. ( 2002 ) . A comrade to the universes of the Renaissance. Wiley-BlackwellRoger Savory. ( 2008 ) . Iran Under the Safavids. Cambridge University PressFran & A ccedil ois Bernier ( 1996 ) . Travels in the Mogul Empire 1656-1668. Asiatic Educational Service Raj Kumar. ( 2003 ) . Essaies on Indian art and architecture annals and civilization series. Discovery publication houseJournalMohamad Tajuddin Bin and Haji Mohamad Rasdi. ( 2008 ) . Reconstructing the thought of Muslim architecture reconstituting the academic model and design attack within the position of the Sunnah. The Journal of Architecture, 133 ( 6 ) . pp 297 315.Online BeginningsMehraby, Rahman. hypertext transfer communications protocol //ww and Joshi. hypertext transfer protocol // and Rasdi. hypertext transfer protocol // The Taj Mahal . Islamic architecture. Islamic Arts and Architecture Organization. Accessed on 25 Nov 2009. hypertext transfer protocol // Information about Persian Architecture. Accessed on 25 Nov 2009. hypertext transfer protocol // of Islamic architecture to India. Accessed on 27 Nov 2009 hypertext transfer protocol // Architecture. Accessed on 25 Nov 2009. hypertext transfer protocol // transfer protocol //

Jazz Essay

elevated in a home where melodies are often played in the instruments we have or veritable(a) just hummed by a family member while doing chores, I have grown to love pieces of music especially opera, orchestra and the classics. So when my friends, who are musicians themselves, invited me to one of the per realiseances of a experience band during the celebration of the Universitys day of remembrance last July 9 at The Technopark, I was feeling rather apprehensive. It is not as what you would expect my literary genre of choice. I have always typified this particular field as an African-American influenced rhythmic and instrumental form of music.My ears were almost involuntarily programmed to have an distaste to these tunes. But since they started to play, I forgot my earlier impression because I was already enjoying the concert. Savoring the pleasure of listening to the upbeat of jazz music, I was jazzed up and entirely enthralled with the soulful performance of the fill erupt E nsemble. In the hands of trumpeter Roy Barja, trombonist Marko Geron, bassist Jeff Flores and saxophonist Brad Cruz, the contrivances took on a unique character, and one whose ebullience can hardly be contained.The ensemble started with a bang of Jazz Story playing different types of jazz music that evolved within the through time until the modern jazz of today. Then, the members of Jazz Ensemble played classics like Victor Youngs When I Fall in Love, George Gershwins Someone to Watch Over Me and Pink Panther. With the variety of instruments involved, lush harmonies and textures consume my ears desire for excellent sounds. Each artist had a chance for a nippy glare of publicity. He would play short melodic fragments meant to be repeated by a section of the band with increase passion.They masterfully serenaded and entertained the audience through vocalist Mara Duran who did vocals on Orange-colored Sky and It had to be You. The conclave kept the crowd swaying and crooning on our s eats in time with the beat. Jazz took my heart out from the first notes that had drifted from the instruments up until the faintest tune that was whispered by the wind. That night, I closed my eyes with a suggestion of smile upon my lips as I hum a segment from the song Love is Here to Stay.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Compare and Contrast National Athletic Association (NCAA) Coursework

Compare and Contrast National Athletic Association (NCAA) - Coursework ExampleThe common situation among college participants is that they do not catch the right to profit from their own aptitudes despite the NCAA doing so. Media and game giant, Electronic Art pays NCAA to economic consumption its bowl games and team names in videogames like NCAA Basketb every(prenominal) as well as NCAA Football. This college stochastic variable does not include players names hence they do not share the splits with the NCAA for the governing body contends student-athletes win enough benefits worth their caliber. These benefits comprise free college education to the athletes through sponsorships, which mainly is in terms of waiving tuition.Mainly, taxations ascend from broadcast agreements, tickets besides other sources like subsidies among the division I institutions (Burnsed, 2014). Regardless of all these funds, athletics associated be rise at a fast rate such that expenses surpass the obta ined revenue in all except 20 institutions in division I-A, for instance, the annual median proceeds from 2012 to 2013 augmented by 3.2% further their expenses managed to top by 10.6% (Burnsed, 2014). These institutions outside the 20 could not make profits therefore since expenses were more than their revenue forcing them to subsidies.Institutions like University of Michigan alongside other others with major athletics programs make profits, hence no involve for subsidies for the sports fetch them quite a sum of profits. For instance, when The University of Michigan won the national championship in 1997, managed to greet proceeds of approximately 14 million dollars from the football program yet at that time many a(prenominal) other institutions complained of poverty when advised to expand their financial aids (Rosner & Shropshire, 2011).The profit making institutions from athletics have managed to take their sports to another level by compensation of celebrity coaches,

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Group Ariel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Group Ariel - Essay ExampleThe Group Ariel keep friendship is recycling old equipment situated in Mexico. The management will need to apply the pesos to compute the companys property flows to ensure that they comprehend the manner in which the intended project will hazard their finances. Additional for easy computation, the pesos should be converted into the Euros. This study analysed the NPV of the Ariel Mexico by deducting the value of manual machine from the value of the new machine (LAAN, & TEUNTER, 2000). Then the incremental cash flow will be represented as positive figures since the reduced value is equivalent to the cash flow. The next step was the deduction of the depreciation cost from the incremental sum costs. It is imperative to note that the fist initial three years of depreciation compound depreciation from the new machine and the remainder listed depreciation of the old machine. A deduction of 35% tax was done from the cash flow, and then the depreciation was a dded in order to signify the tax shield.For the company to place the projects NPV in Euros, there is need to apply the future spot exchange rates. This burn down be done by dividing the peso NPV by the present spot exchange rate. Since the cash flows are discounted differently from 2008 up to 2011, then the rate of 8% of 2011 can be used to discount since it forms an reasonable of the fours year period.It is imperative to note that computation of the present values of projects such as the Ariel Mexico can take for two different ways which consider the variation of rate and risk attributed to the foreign currency. The significance of reckoning the NPV is to analyze the project managers or investors foresee great variations in the currency. In essence, the Group Ariel should discount the cash flows by using the foreign cost capital if the value of capital is valued in a rational manner (GOLLIER,

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

NY State LPN Nurse Practice Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NY State LPN Nurse Practice symbolise - adjudicate ExampleSome of these professions include practitioners and physicians. A podiatrist also can supervise LPNs age they charter come to the fore various activities. Therefore, LPNs tends to be dependent on other medical professions. The Nurse Practice characterization in tender York gives permission to LPNs to act various tasks and responsibilities within a number of fields in the nursing practice (Strelecky, 2006). Some of these fields include a framework of case findings, teaching and centering patients on health issues (Strelecky, 2006). Other tasks include offering supportive and restorative care to patients. According to New Yorks Nurse Practice Act, LPNs ought to carry out various activities within the above fields while others are beyond them (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008). Some of the activities that LPNs may conduct within their scope of practice include supervise various activities of unlicensed personnel (Strelecky, 2 006). M each of the health institutions employ unlicensed personnel to carry out activities either on temporary or permanent basis. The Act allows LPNs to supervise the unlicensed personnel. The Act also allows the LPNs to correct data concerning the patients. This means that LPNs have the opportunity to check and confirm various issues affecting patients within health institutions (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008). The other activity that LPN may per configuration according to the Act is supervising comrade colleagues. This occurs in the delivery of care where LPN who has a high level of competence within the heavy scope of practice can supervise his/her colleagues (Strelecky, 2006). The Act also outlines a number of activities that are beyond LPNs. Some of these activities include conducting patient assessments. Even though, the LPNs can correct data related to the patients, they should not perform the assessments. The other activity that the LPNs cannot perform according to the Act is developing the nursing care plan on their own. This means that the LPNs can only engage in the development of nursing care plan with the attention of medical professions in their scope of practice (Strelecky, 2006). According to the Practice Act, the LPNs are not entitled to spread IV chemotherapy. However, with supervision of a medical profession, they Act gives permission to the LPNs of installing chemotherapy bladders to patients. The Act also prohibits LPNs to serve various medications to patients (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008). Some of these medications include direct IV push medications. However, in cases related to saline and heparin flushes, the LPNs may provide the medication according to the Act. Moreover, LPNs are not obliged to administer IV eloquent bolus for plasma volume expansion. However, they can perform this activity in the outpatient chronic hemodialysis setting. Apart from this activity, the Act prohibits LPNs to access any form of central line. They are also n ot allowed to access venous authority or arm port line device. The Act also indicates that LPNs cannot perform case management. This means that any case management related to their activities ought to be performed by senior medical professions. LPNs cannot also provide psychological health teaching. This obligation is beyond their ability as indicated in the Act. However, they can conduct other form of teaching to the patients. The other activity that the LPNs do not have the power to perform as indicated on the Act is conducting triage. The Act prohibits LPNs to conduct the activity without a supervisor. The Act clearly emphasizes that this

Monday, May 13, 2019

Graphic Designing for the Color Blind Research Paper

Graphic Designing for the Color Blind - Research Paper exemplarPeople with color blindness tinnot see either violent/green shades or muddied yellow shades. The completely color-blind or the monochromatic kind could only see gray. Here, the color admiration must be taken into account. According to Robert Hess (2000), the most common form of color blindness is the helplessness in the sensitivity to the color green. Cases may vary as to how color-blind large number are alienated with colors. It is useful therefore, to know information such as how the green-blind selects opposite shades, which appear lighter than red while the red-blind chooses besides the red, green and brown shades. And so, what must be done is that to convert a pictural design works color palette into a palette of colors that can be accurately seen by color-blind audience.When instructing a person through colors or the graphic design relies on colors for cues, say, Choose green to continue and red to stop, th en color-blind people see shades that do not correspond to their visual conception of those colors, then serious paradox arises.Furthermore, in creating a color-palette for a color-blind friendly graphic design, one could consider the comparative accented values of adjacent colors. People that have forms of color-blindness, wrote Keith Martin, usually develop a greater sensitivity to refreshing changes. For instance, a pink image could be made a bit brighter when set in a dark background so the color-blind audience could distinguish color elements better. Its only when the relative contrasts are too similar that separating colors become difficult. (p. 28) For this factor, one could refer to the traditional color undulate for help. If one looks at the color wheel chart, one sees the primary and secondary colors. Besides this, however, and most in-chief(postnominal) for the subject of this paper, is the fact that it is easier to identify color contrasts from the wheel. One could easily select opposites because they provide

Sunday, May 12, 2019

This is a memo for record. Im in the army and Im trying to change my Personal Statement

This is a memo for record. Im in the army and Im trying to change my job from Patriot Missile Operator to Civil personal matters specialist - Personal asseveration ExampleMore importantly, I check, adjust and load the M60 machine gun and I engage uncongenial targets with the Patriot weapon. There are several reasons why I want to be reclassed as a Civil Aff behaviors Specialist. Foremost among these is because I would like to face new challenges having experienced be a Patriot already for seven years. I am convinced that being a Civil Affairs Specialist go forth present more options for my future career path, it being a position which testament train me in both military and non-military operations. Moreover, the training that I will derive from the position will enhance my analytical skills in conducting research. Furthermore, I am very much interested in the handle of political science and this position will definitely expose me to international militaries and governments. I feel that being with ARSOF will help me pursue my dream of becoming a Civil Engineer. I yearn to be a member of the Special Operations community which encompasses several aspects of Army life.I believe that I can be an asset to the ARSOF community because of my varied experience and tremendous technical know-how in the study of missile operations and intelligence information. ARSOF will benefit from my familiarity in working with different military structures and the air defense field from different countries such as Germany, Greece, Netherlands and Korea. I trust that I possess the qualifications and skills demand for a responsible Civil Affairs

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Reading Response # 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Response 3 - Assignment compositors caseThe loss of a few thousand innocent lives was something which radically changed the way Americans think about Muslims and their religion.In order to argue whether there is really a clash of civilization as suggested by Huntington or the reaction is just Muslim or Arab Phobia, it is important to understand the roots of this conflict and how this difference emerged. The scheme of clash of civilization is basically based upon the notion of clash of cultures and civilizations with each other. Underlying this theory is the sentiment that future conflicts between people provide be based upon culture of people and that democracy or free markets is not the only ideology of the world. This notion consequently suggests that the primary axis of conflict will be religion as well as the culture of the people.Considering this position, the post 9/11 scenario may not seem as a clash of civilizations but rather Muslim or Arab phobia. The strai ghtforward reasons for the attack of 9/11 were based upon the belief that US has supported or illegally meshed and plundered the resources belonging to the Muslim world. This conflict was however by few groups against the State rather than a Muslim State against America.The videos suggested that there is a general Arab and Muslim Phobia because in the War against alarm many Muslim countries actually supported the US in its war against Al-Qaeda and other immoderate groups. In a way, the Muslim world on the whole, except for a few countries, was officially support the US and its war against Islamic extremist groups.There is therefore a general fear regarding Muslims and how may they create a threat for Americans within America. People generally believe that Muslims may harm them and therefore in order to avoid being harmed, Muslims should be labeled and wear bands so that they can be identified. There is a

Friday, May 10, 2019

How the five new york crime familes influenced american society Research Paper

How the five new york abomination familes influenced american friendship - Research Paper ExampleThese included the application of gambling using enhanced technology all over the internet without falling under the jurisdiction of the American legal system. This was done by having gambling slip by through websites that were offshore and that had little chance of ever being intercepted by American law enforcement. Beca uptake of this, the family axiom the American hostelry face some of the largest debts owed by individuals to a crime family because of illegal gambling. This was as the courtship of Nicholas Cosmo, who started his own con after owing the family tens of thousands of dollars, which maxim him run the Ponzi scheme to repay his own debt. This influenced the American society by bringing in the concept of crime to pay off debts owed to other criminals. The heighten in the scientific application of criminal activity was seen by the use of wired transfers to commit wil e by Nicholas Cosmo, who did all these as part of a debt that he owed to the family.1 Altogether, the Genovese crime family brought together technological advancements for criminal gain, showing how vulner qualified the American society is and how easily it can be defrauded. ... This infiltration saw the family rip millions of dollars from unsuspecting Americans who revealed their credit card number in order to go on with the muster out tours of the websites. This was designed such that once the user had provided their credit card details to the website, large amounts of funds were supercharged to the credit card illegally since none of them was authorized by the users and regulatory authorities. In addition, since the family made use of billing via telephone, they charged the government and other American in excesses of millions of dollars for their fraud. This is following the procurement, by the Gambino family, of a vernacular and a telephone company that allowed the family to plan elaborately their frauds and schemes to defraud Americans and the government.2 As such, the Gambino crime family influenced the American society in that it showed how powerful the crime families were to the point of infiltrating some of the most basic sectors such as banking and crimson internet use, as well as phone calls. Their scams also led to the development of new waves of crime across America that were perpetrated in the most ingenious of ways that not even the government was able to crack until much later. This dug deep into the credibility of law enforcement in the American society since they were inefficient to bring to book, let alone discover the crime wave. It was part of the introduction of white-collar crime in the USA, where it showed how sophisticated organized crime rings were getting. In addition, Gambino family influenced the American society in that it inspired cultism amongst Americans to the extent that even law enforcement had to

Thursday, May 9, 2019

An analysis of Animal Experimentation articles Essay

An analysis of Animal Experimentation articles - judge ExampleThe presented rail lines by the doctors and investigate scientists (two experts in their field) indicate that this is a subject that divides opinion between informed, salubrious people. The clear issue in the debate revolves around morality and whether animal experiment is necessary to safeguard human beings against potentially harmful new drugs and practices in medicine, and is vehemently supported by some(prenominal) sides. 2. Were the problems or issues expressed rough-and-readyly? Describe how the problems or issues were or were non best expressed. The two articles vary on their ability to express the issues effectively. Lankford uses the article to defend the bunk of support towards animal experiment. In this manner, the article does not address the issue but just seems to provide a list of statistics to prove his point. The work highlights a deed of animal research achievements and how it has led to the pr evention of disease but does not suggest whatsoever form of resolution of the issue. The Carlson article does attempt to resolve the issues. The work discusses that we can learn to improve man health by looking first at what threatens it (Carlson), indicating a willingness to seek a resolution. This viewpoint as well as acknowledges that it is vital to keep questioning forms of medicine and that it can be beneficial to look at the argument from different perspectives. 3. How would you determine the credibility of the sources of information used by the authors in the articles when investigating the problems or issues presented by your topic? The two articles appear to be fairly reliable and credible sources of information regarding the animal experimentation debate. The first, written by Lankford, was written for the Foundation for Biomedical Research. The group is in favor of animal experimentation and use medical facts and statistics to back up their claims. The author is clearl y knowledgeable, although the article does not highlight his position in the organization. The second article is an expert opinion in the field of research science. Her work contrasts with the first, express that the results of animal experimentation have been grossly misjudged. Carlson relies on findings from University studies and medical journals to persuade her audience. In terms of credibility, both articles appear to be so, though Carlson does provide sources for the statistics used whereas Lankford states facts such using language such as between 1950 and 2004 (Lankford) but fails to ascertain where they come from. 4. Compare two steps that would be most effective in refining solutions to the problem and resolutions to the issues presented by your topic. The animal experimentation debate is saddled with a number of issues concerning morality and ethics. For animal experimentation to be proven necessary and useful to society, it appears that more clear research and positive r esults are needed that link the success of medical improvements to the need to test them on animals. The of import difficulties to overcome are the beliefs surrounding animal cruelty which animal extremist groups chiefly use as their main argument against animal experimentation. These groups will perhaps never be persuaded as to the benefits of animal experimentation but scholars such as Carlson indicates that there is no proof that animal testing is necessary to